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Cathedral of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist

The oldest of Toruń churches built at intervals from 1250-1479 as a church for the Old Town. Made in the Gothic nave with many side chapels. The size of the church - the length of 65 m and a width of 65m and height of the nave chapels choir 27m 17m

History of the Church

1233 - foundation of the city of Toruń 1236 move to its current location

1251 - expansion of the area of ​​the Old Town of Toruń

front half of the thirteenth century. construction of the first stone church with a separate presbytery jednonawowego

the end of the thirteenth century. to approx. 1330 second ascent of the church and the presbytery in its current form, completed approx. 1310. and subsequently to the three-nave and three przęsłowym body, probably a hall and the western tower, murals in the choir, and eastern sides of the window , with representations of the patrons of the church

approx. 1340 crucifix from the rainbow today in the main altar

before the 1349 construction of the first two chapels on the north side: Corpus Christi and Holy Cross., with crucifixes (c. 1380 is currently in the altar at filarowym) was founded in 1394 Brotherhood of Corpus Christi, equipped with numerous indulgences

1351 years after the fire reconstruction of the church from 1361 to 1388 with the extension of the body of a bay, probably increasing the exposure of the nave and the other two chapels northern tombstone after 1361 von Soest spouses about painting in the choir from 1380 to 1390 with the presentation of the Crucifixion on the tree of life - the tree of Jesse, and representation of the Last Judgement

XIV / XV. The foundation chapels on the south side of the altar of St. 1416 replaced. Mary Magdalene: stone refief Gorycki currently at the altar at filarowym

1406 collapse of the tower in the next year new construction in its present form which, however, because of Grunwald disaster and subsequent accidents has not been completely finished

to 1417 ending lower tier

in the years 1428-1433 the top two, the champion Hans Gotland

1468 raised the central nave to the height of today's church henceforth takes the appearance of what is now

1458-1473 increase in the nave to the high hall

1470 and 1483 the construction of the northern and southern porch

1487 1484 after the erection of the eastern peaks of the aisles and nave

1497 implementation of a new altarpiece in the main altar Foundation, among others King John Albert with the figures of the patrons of the church and the Risen Christ

1500 suspension Tuba Dei bells weighing 7238 kg and a diameter of 227 cm in the second after the bell of St. Zygmunt largest in Poland.

1502-1506 foundation of the altar of St. Wotlganga the triptych currently in the main altar

the 1596 transfer of the Church of St. Mary of the altar Beautiful Madonna

1633-1638 new ratabulum monumental main altar, developed in 1938 a picture placed on the western wall of the southern aisle

1688 Baroque organ element in the northern aisle

1727 James Casimir epitaph Rabinkowskiego councilor who died in 1749, the postmaster, the royal Burgrave

1753 rococo altar of the chapel of Corpus Christi

1755 bust of Father Nicholas Copernicus Foundation. Joseph Jabłonowski. g. by Wojciech Rojowskiego, placed in the chapel of the epitaph Astronomer Copernicus about 1580 years, restored and enlarged in 1733

Holy Trinity eighteenth century Rococo altars of St. Zwiasowania NMP. Joseph and the Visitation of Our Lady of Perpetual Help

1878 organ in the nave of the prospectus neogotyskim

1935 granting the title of the papal basilica minor

March 25, 1992 the church raised to the dignity of the Cathedral of the newly created Diocese of Torun

May 31, 1992 the first bishop of Torun ingress of Andrzej Suski

7 June 1999 visit to the cathedral by the Holy Father. Pope John Paul II during his pilgrimage to Poland

Interior of the cathedral contain many tables and tombstones with the names of well-known in the history of Toruń and Western Prussia. The most ancient among them in terms of art is the tombstone of John Jõesse Torun mayor and his wife (d. 1361). Two monuments have here Copernicus old one issued after the death of the famous astronomer at the end of the sixteenth century by a doctor Torun Pyrnesiusza Melchior, another two hundred years later, founded by Prince Joseph Jabłonowski.


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